If you work with mobile or stationary equipment, you are no stranger to the world of hydraulics and the role a hydraulic crimping system can play in the flow of power.
If you don’t work with hydraulics often, though, hydraulic crimpers may seem like a foreign concept. But their significance can mean the difference between downtime cost and production profit.
What Do Crimpers Do?
Fluid conveyance systems, hose and fittings connect all the different components of the system that are necessary for fluid to flow between pumps, cylinders, actuators, etc. Equipment relies on this fluid to transmit power to these components that do the work.
A hydraulic hose assembly consists of a hose and fittings that connect the hose to other parts of the hydraulic system.
But how do you ensure that the hoses are securely connected to the different components and fluid will not leak?
That’s where crimping systems come in.
Hydraulic hose crimping equipment is designed to attach fittings permanently and correctly to hydraulic hoses. With a crimping system, the fittings are precisely crimped onto the hose, creating a tight seal. This prevents any leaks of fluid and ensures the transfer of hydraulic power.
Crimping Options
If a shop utilizes equipment with hydraulics and those hydraulic hoses need replaced, they have a few options for replacing worn-out hose assemblies.
For shops that need fluid conveyance system solutions, having a third party to make their hose assemblies can get extremely costly and the quality will vary depending on the knowledge and skill level of the vendor.
Depending on a shop’s hydraulic needs, bringing a crimper in house can provide a faster, more efficient and cheaper experience than using a third party.
If having a crimping system in house is right for your shop, start by finding a knowledgeable hydraulic specialist to determine what crimper is right for your operation. An assessment of your equipment will identify the hose and fittings you need, which will reveal the crimper that will return the greatest value for your company.
Crimpers can be either portable or stationary. Portable crimpers generally use a hand pump or an air/hydraulic pump to crimp hoses. Meanwhile, stationary units generally utilize either 110V or 220V pumps or air/hydraulic pumps.
Should You Do In-House Crimping?
An in-house crimping system could be a beneficial addition to a shop, but there are some questions to consider first:
If you are considering an in-house crimping system for your shop, a Kimball Midwest sales representative can help you determine if one is right for you. From there, they can create a customized solution and stock your shop with only the sizes, styles and fittings you will need. This way, you aren’t overstocked with costly hydraulic components, but you are also prepared to handle hydraulic repairs in an efficient and consistent manner.
To learn more about crimping systems, reach out to your Kimball Midwest sales representative. If you don’t already have one, we can help you