Kimball Midwest Blog

Choosing the Right First Aid Kit

Written by Kimball Midwest | February 8, 2024

In a busy shop, it’s easy to get caught up in all the work that needs done. But there’s nothing like an accident or injury to derail the day’s work.


Even if you take the proper precautions, accidents still happen. That’s why having the right first aid kit and supplies on hand is key.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration states in standard 1910.151(b) that “adequate first aid supplies must be readily available when an infirmary or clinic is not available on the worksite.”


While these OSHA’s standards apply to most workplaces, additional requirements exist for specific industries. These include logging, electric power generation, commercial diving, maritime and construction.


While OSHA sets the requirement for availability of first aid kits in the workplace, it refers employers to the American National Standards Institute/International Safety Equipment Association Z308.1-2021 standard for guidance on the minimum first aid kit requirements.


This standard was updated in 2021 to include changes to the contents and quantities in both Class A and Class B first aid kits.


Here’s how to decide which first aid kit may be best suited for your shop:




Choosing the correct class of first aid kit is the first step to ensuring you have the proper kit.


Class A first aid kits contain products to help with most common types of injuries encountered in the workplace.


Class B first aid kits provide a broader range and quantity of supplies to deal with injuries that workers may encounter in more populated, complex or high-risk work environments.



You’ll also want to determine which type of first aid kit may be best suited for your shop’s needs.


Type I kits are intended to be used in an indoor setting. These are generally mounted as they are not intended to be portable.


Type II kits are also meant for indoor use but are portable.


Type III kits can be used in mobile, indoor or outdoor settings. These kits can either be mounted or portable and are water resistant.


Type IV kits are intended for portable use in mobile or outdoor settings but can be mounted. Due to rough handling and risky environmental factors, the potential for damage to kit supplies is significant. The kits also need to meet performance guidelines for corrosion, moisture and impact resistance.




You’ll also want to consider how many first aid kits you should have. The number of kits shouldn’t be based on how many people are in a work environment. Instead, consider the proximity of first aid supplies to where workers are. If a kit cannot be reached by all workers quickly, consider having multiple kits spread throughout the workspace.


Of course, every first aid kit will need refilled at some point. Be sure to check all kits at least once a month or after an incident to ensure you have enough supplies.


Kimball Midwest has the refill supplies you need to keep your first aid kit stocked and your shop safe. If you want to refill all the contents of your Class B first aid kits, we offer four refill kits: a standard one, one with medication, a food service kit and a food service kit with medication.


We also offer specialty refill kits for items related to wound care, bleeding control, bloodborne pathogen treatment, burn care, and CPR/strain treatment. These are great options if your shop often sees the same type of injuries.


On top of that, you can also find individual items in bulk like gauze and wraps or medication.


If you need a new first aid kit or you need to refill one, look no further than Kimball Midwest. One of our sales representatives can help you decide which kit you need or pick out the right supplies. If you don’t already have a rep, we can help you