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Prioritize Workplace Safety

Posted by Kimball Midwest on June 13, 2024

Tags: Safety, OSHA, National Safety Month, Safety Seminar

June is National Safety Month. It’s a great time for shops to renew their focus on workplace safety. National Safety Month was established in 1996 by the National Safety Council and highlights the importance of maintaining rigorous safety standards to protect workers and ensure business goes smoothly and safely.


Paying close attention to workplace safety is critical, especially in maintenance, repair and operations. According to the National Safety Council, preventable injuries are the third leading cause of death in the United States.


You can minimize the risk of injuries and accidents in the shop. Here are some key safety considerations to pay attention to.


Safety Standards

Be sure your shop is complying with all the proper safety standards and regulations, such as those set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These guidelines will ensure that your shop and operations meet the required safety benchmarks, which helps protect employees.


Personal Protective Equipment

One core aspect of safety is the availability and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Shops should ensure that the workspace is equipped with all the necessary PPE for their specific industry and that it is regularly inspected and maintained. PPE is addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime and construction. OSHA requires that many categories of personal protective equipment meet or be equivalent to standards developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


Kimball Midwest offers PPE that is suitable for many industries, including eye protection, gloves, head and face protection, and much more.


Safety Training

Effective safety training is essential for preventing workplace accidents. Before workers begin in a shop, they should be educated on emergency procedures and best safety practices. They should also be properly instructed on the correct usage of equipment. Regular refresher courses are a great way to keep safety knowledge current and at the forefront of workers’ minds.


Kimball Midwest offers Product Safety Seminars to increase safety in your shop. If your organization conducts any type of maintenance or repair operations, then these seminars are critical, not only to the safety of your customers and personnel, but also to the reliability of your company’s work. These seminars will not only educate you and your workers but will enhance your operations, as well.


Currently, Kimball Midwest offers abrasives, cutting tools, fasteners, DOT air brake, electrical, hydraulics and chemicals safety seminars.


Safety Audits

Regular safety audits and assessments are important for identifying potential hazards and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Regular audits can show areas where improvements are needed and can help prevent accidents before they occur.


Don’t leave the safety of you or your workers up to chance. National Safety Month is the perfect time to reflect on and enhance safety practices in your shop.


If you want to upgrade your safety equipment or if you are interested in a Safety Seminar, contact your Kimball Midwest sales representative today. If you don’t already have a rep, we can help you Find a Rep!

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