Kimball Midwest Blog

Easy Access to Safety Data Sheets

Written by Kimball Midwest | January 9, 2025

You might have noticed something new on Kimball Midwest chemical labels in recent months: QR codes!


These codes, which can be scanned using smartphone and tablet cameras, will take the user to the product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) page on The aim is to give customers access to the SDS for products they are purchasing in a matter of seconds.


The QR code will typically be placed on the GHS panel, which will be to the right of the main panel, directly under the words “Read SDS before using,” followed by a caption that reads “Scan for SDS” under the QR code itself.   


QR codes have been present on the labels of new products launched since November 2024, and they will be added to existing items as soon as possible.


By implementing QR codes on labels, the scanned version will always be able to contain the most up-to-date information.


For a safety-related item like Safety Data Sheets, this ability to stay current is important to your shop.


An item’s SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing and transporting the chemical. Employers must ensure that the sheets are readily accessible to employees for all hazardous chemicals in their workplace.


To find out more about how Kimball Midwest can help keep your team safe, ask your sales representative. If you don’t have one, we’d be glad to help you