Kimball Midwest Blog

Fixing Your Hydraulics In-House

Written by Kimball Midwest | November 15, 2019
When hydraulic hoses break, they need to be fixed right now. There is no time for your machine to be down. You have important work to do, and any downtime can be catastrophic not only to you, but to your customers, too. Not to mention, your bottom line.

One customer we service knows this so well, he created his own trailer to be hauled from oil rig to oil rig so repairs and maintenance to his hydraulic equipment can be made on his company’s schedule, not when breakdowns dictate.

At Kimball Midwest, we offer a full line of hydraulic hoses, fittings and crimpers. This long-time customer saw a demo from one of our Sales representatives about two years ago and instantly saw the value in our hydraulics products. He knew it would be so beneficial for his company, he brought Kimball Midwest’s representatives in to train his people and give a safety seminar.

“The seminar and training were top-notch,” according to the customer.

So the customer not only began using Kimball Midwest’s hydraulics products, but saw the value in creating a portable work station, saying “the drilling sites are sometimes hours away from the shop. To have the ability to fix hoses on site is a huge financial savings.

“I do not have the luxury of downtime when a hose breaks; I need to replace it now.”

The benefits of having in-house hydraulics are numerous, especially if you can take advantage of training available to you.

If you want to learn more about hydraulics, we have detailed information on our blog. You can click any of the links below and even watch our videos.

Do It Yourself: In-House Hydraulic Assemblies

The Importance of Using the Same Manufacturer for All Hydraulic Parts

Are You Maintaining Your Hydraulic System?

Preventative Maintenance Can Save You Time and Money

The Key Elements of a Hydraulic Hose Assembly

When you are ready to set up a hydraulics crimper in your shop,